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Who can take part?

These programmes are designed for teachers (primary phase) who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training.

What is involved?

This project is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of primary maths.

There are two pathways: Number, and Spatial Reasoning. Each pathway consists of the equivalent of four days, spread out over a minimum of two terms. Professional learning and practice development continue throughout, with participants implementing new ideas into their daily practice.

What will you learn?

Your pupils will positively engage with maths that challenges them

Your pupils will be able to explain their maths and their mathematical thinking using appropriate language

You will identify pedagogical approaches that will enhance teaching and learning, and know how to plan for these

You will enhance your maths subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key concepts in each mathematical area covered

What is the cost?

The SKTM Primary Teachers Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to state-funded participating schools.

Get in touch with us

For advice about the funded CPD opportunities that would best suit your school. 

Email the Team

For general enquiries, email the team on:
[email protected]

Phone Us

To speak to a member of the team, phone us on:
0117 2446233