Please book your place for the online launch by 26th November. Full details will be sent out on 27th November.
Who can take part?
This will be facilitated through a series of online workshops, with sessions designed to support Year 6 teachers, Maths Leads and Senior Leaders.
What is involved?
- Twilight - launch online after school
- Series of online workshops for Y6 teachers, these will be held from 2.30pm - 4pm (with 30 min optional Q and A session from 4-4.30pm) - Y6 teachers can attend the sessions that are relevant to their needs.
- Two additional online sessions will be led by our Headteacher Advocate, Chris Barratt, aimed at senior leaders and maths leads.
What will you learn?
- Review findings of the 2023/24 tests;
- Consider the systems and structures your school has in place to support end of KS2 outcomes;
- Ensure that you are meeting key deadlines for access arrangements;
- Develop your mathematical subject knowledge in key areas eg FDP and Geometry;
- Plan how you will teach children to understand and answer SATs questions (arithmetic and reasoning);
- Develop strategies to support pupil’s to solve standard and non-standard problems;
- Intelligently use of test and question level analysis to identify gaps;
- Provide opportunities for children to revisit and remember curriculum;
What is the cost?
This project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.
Next Steps
Contact [email protected] for further information.
Start Date:
End Date:
(View Dates)